Despite leading a peaceful life as the princess of a subterraneous colony, teenage Patema longs to escape her cramped industrial confines and experience someplace different. While satiating her curiosity by exploring a region known as the "danger zone," she is startled by a cloaked figure and falls into the darkness of an abyss. Awakening with the sky below her feet and the ground hanging above, Patema finds herself clinging to a fence at the mercy of a seemingly reversed gravity. Although a nearby student named Age is able to rescue her, they are left wondering which of the two is actually upside down. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Studios | Studio Rikka, Purple Cow Studio Japan |
Source | Original |
Average ep. duration | 6m |
Start date | 26/02/2012 |
End date | 25/08/2012 |
Rating | PG 13 |
Sakasama no Patema: Beginning of the Day is a series of short prologue episodes. While a full theater release titled Sakasama no Patema was supposed to follow suit in fall, the movie was postponed and premiered over a year later. The four unaltered Beginning of the Day episodes comprise the first 20 minutes of the movie. The first episode premiered at a screening competition and was thereafter published to the GyaO! and Niconico Japanese video streaming services.