After a successful Ayanagi Festival, Yuuta Hoshitani and the members of Team Ootori celebrate the beginning of a new year and their final semester as first years at Ayanagi Academy. However, with Itsuki Ootori expelled from the Kao Council, Team Ootori no longer qualifies as a Star Team. Stripped of their privileges, they also will not be allowed to participate in the upcoming graduation ceremony. Desperate to get their mentor back, Hoshitani and the others hatch a plan to convince the Kao Council to allow Ootori to reassume his former position. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Studios | C-Station |
Source | Original |
Average ep. duration | 23m |
Start date | 27/07/2016 |
End date | 21/09/2016 |
Rating | PG 13 |
Starmyu OVA was released on Blu-ray and DVD on July 27, 2016.