The series follows the daily adventures of Kapibarasan and his animal friends as they chill out among the Midorino Grasslands. (Source: Crunchyroll)
Studios | Shin-Ei Animation, Lesprit |
Source | Other |
Average ep. duration | 1m |
Broadcast | Friday - 07:30 |
Start date | 09/10/2020 |
End date | 26/03/2021 |
Rating | G |
Anime Kapibara-san (アニメ カピバラさん) is an anime based on Bandai Spirits' capybara character, Kapibarasan, which has inspired a long-running line that includes merchandise, manga adaptations, and spin-off characters. The anime is being created to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Bandai Spirits. It is being directed by Tomohiro Tsukimi, who is also credited as the sound director, with music by Akiyuki Tateyama and animation production by Shin-Ei Animation and L'esprit. It is part of the show Kinder TV (TV Tokyo).