Eccentric and blunt, the walrus Hiroshi Odokawa lives a relatively normal life. He drives a taxi for a living, and there he meets several unique individuals: the jobless Taichi Kabasawa who is dead-set on going viral, the mysterious nurse Miho Shirakawa, the struggling comedic duo "Homo Sapiens," and Dobu, a well-known delinquent. But Odokawa's simple way of life is about to be turned upside down. The case of a missing girl the police have been tracking leads back to him, and now both the yakuza and a duo of corrupt cops are on his tail. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Studios | OLM, P.I.C.S. |
Source | Original |
Average ep. duration | 23m |
Broadcast | Tuesday - 02:00 |
Start date | 06/04/2021 |
End date | 29/06/2021 |
Rating | PG 13 |
Winner of the New Face Award at the 25th Japan Media Arts Festival.