The main character is a scientific genius boy named Kiteretsu, who has built a companion robot named Korosuke. He frequently travels in time with his friends and Korosuke in the time machine he built. Miyoko is a girl in his neighborhood who is basically his girlfriend. Tongari is his rival, who happen to share some similar traits of Honekawa Suneo. Buta Gorilla (Kumada Kaoru) is a typical neighborhood bully, who also share similar traits of Gian (Takeshi Goda) except that he often antagonizes Korosuke (though they are in grade school). (Source: Wikipedia)
Studios | Gallop |
Source | Manga |
Average ep. duration | 25m |
Broadcast | Sunday - 19:00 |
Start date | 27/03/1988 |
End date | 09/06/1996 |
Rating | PG |