A normal high school boy Kisaragi Ryuji's peaceful life is turned into an adventure by the return of his second cousin Eriko. Ryuji and Eriko seize a relic box from a black broker. In the box, they find a red dragon girl Rose. In order to protect Rose from the black organization, Ryuji decides to fight using his power as a relic handler.
Studios | Studio Deen |
Source | Light Novel |
Average ep. duration | 23m |
Broadcast | Monday - 01:30 |
Start date | 11/01/2011 |
End date | 29/03/2011 |
Rating | PG 13 |
The first episode received a free online preview at online streaming service GyaO! starting on Thursday, 16th December, 2010 until Wednesday, 22nd December. 1000 lucky participants in possession of a Yahoo Japan ID were given the chance to see it through an online lottery. The regular television broadcast started on January 11, 2011.